5/1/2020 Grand Champion Bronze CH Hundehaven's Tonka is now home and available for stud.
July 2018
Hundehaven's TONKA is out on the show circuit and doing well. If you see him stop by and give him a hug. Thanks to Kim Williamson - his handler.
Mike & Maud - they did it. Hundehaven's Maud with Mike as her co-owner is now an AKC Champion. They also ranked to 10 in the Owner Handler Series. Congratulations Mike and Maud.
Mike & Maud |
Hundehaven's Maud CH Certificate |
GCH CH Hundehaven's Kendall, CGC has reached his Bronze level Grand Championship.
He also earned his Coursing Ability Test Title Certificate.
Congratulations to his co-owners, Erika David and Shahntae Martinez.
Time goes quickly when you are having fun.
Puppies will be here this summer. Look for the annoucements soon. Mamas and Papas are Gigi, Iris, Asgard and Karl.
It's 2015! WOW where did the time go?
Our "P" litter was born on November 14, 2014. Mama is Iris and Papa is Asgard.
We had 4 girls and 2 boys born. Little Pixie only made it one week. She was born 1/4 the
size of her litter mates. She crossed over the rainbow bridge only after a week of life.
We really thought she would make it as she was getting stronger every day.
Hundehaven's Lili is a Champion. :-)
Hundehaven's Levi is now a Champion.
Hundehaven's Lakka is now a Grand Champion.
Hundehaven's Kendall has continued to show and is the top male Buhund for this year.
2-4-2014 BRAG
Hundehaven's Gigi is now officially a SILVER GRAND CHAMPION. She has 209 GCH point as of shows recorded by 1/18/2014. This makes Gigi the #1 Lifetime earner of GCH as of today. What a great way to retire from showing.
Gigi will spend a year at home and we plan on a litter of puppies with her and the #1 Norwegian Buhund from 2012 - ELVIS!
Hundehaven's Gigi by Jerry Vavra |
10-29-2013 Happy Birthday to the "D" Litter. Now 4 years old. Below are photos and comments from some owners.
D Litter 10-30-2009 |
Diamond aka Daisy with her roommate Trixie |
Daisy aka Hundehaven's Diamond |
10/10/2013 - GCH CH Hundehaven's Gigi - was awarded Best of Breed in Idaho.
9/26/2013 - Thank you for finding me a new Daddy and Mommy - Love Fegie
10/10/2013 -
Just dropping a few lines to say, "I really like my new home."
I got 2 new friends to play with, go on 2 short walks everyday.
Have a real neat soft bed in my crate and all the toys to play with.
Gro Marty's Owner with comments |
Dr. Sarah A. Maxwell DVM DACVO M.S. with L Litter GIRLS |
8-29-2013 The L Litter - all but one has "NORMAL EYES" - wahooo... the one just has a notation of retina hemorrhage with suspect as a "birth trauma" on the left eye only.