The Norwegian Buhund Rescue has their own website NOW. Do check it out! Thank you for looking at our Rescue Page. - CL-
Norwegian Buhund Rescue
We are serious about making sure all Norwegian Buhunds have the proper and right home. This breed is highly active and loves to be in company with their owners. Once in a while there is not a good match. As a NBCA breeder we accept all of our puppies back in our home regardless of age or condition. We also accept other Buhunds to our farm / kennel. We are the west coast foster home for the Norwegian Buhund.
If you find you cannot keep your Buhund and need us to come get him / her and then foster him / her until we can find a proper home. PLEASE contact us. PLEASE do not abandon your Buhund or give him to a shelter.
If you are a shelter and you think you have a Buhund and want one of us to help you determine that or to help investigate a lost Buhund. Feel free to contact the coordinator or one of the contacts closest to you.
Our goal is to never have a Buhund in a shelter or put down due to not being wanted. All Buhunds are welcomed at our farm for foster care.
Thank you. -CL-
The Rescue Coordinator for NBCA is Cheryl Loesch. Midwest Contact: Cheryl Loesch East Coast Contact: Else Turner West Coast Contact: Catherine Lassesen
Below I hope you can click on the name and it will give you the email for the contacts. :-)
Norwegian Buhund Rescue - DONATIONS
The Norwegian Buhund Rescue is applying for non-profit status and is accepting donations to help with this endeavor. Please contact Cheryl (see above) for more details.